NOVO Evolution Centre Joint Stock Company is the parent entity of the strategic holding of the same name. NOVO Evolution Centre Group combines assets, skills, industry connections, and many years of successful experience in agriculture, food industry, and logistics of the NOVO team.

ution Centre Group invests in commercially promising projects as part of the state-supported comprehensive programme for the development of logistics and grain pipeline infrastructure within the international transport corridors of the Eurasian transport framework. All projects are based on technological innovations, have optimal entry costs and significant capitalisation growth prospects, as they operate in the most promising markets of container logistics and food trade.

The leader and the main innovator of the NOVO team is Karen Ovsepyan being the developer of such technologies and innovative business concepts as high-speed overland transshipment of grain cargoes with a solution to the problem of rail gauge difference; logistics concept ‘Grain +’; 20-foot special container grain carrier model 25B9 (included in the international register and Russian Material and Technical Specifications); large-group packaging with an autonomous cooling system for container cargoes, and others.
Mr. Ovsepyan is the founder and until 2024 was the permanent leader of the New Overland Grain Corridor Group of Companies. Under his direct leadership, the world's first overland Zabaikalsk Grain Terminal was built and put into operation and, for the first time since 1951, permission was obtained from China State Railway Group to load grain cargoes on the Russian side and exit to the PRC on the (Chinese) 1435 mm gauge. Also, a pilot model of Contract Production with formula pricing in the Siberian Federal District was developed and implemented, and a portfolio of contracts for the supply of grain, leguminous and oilseed crops to the PRC was signed.
Today the zone of interests of NOVO Evolution Centre Group covers the Russian Federation, friendly states of Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, and the People's Republic of China.
In addition to its own competences and resources, NOVO Evolution Centre has an established pool of Russian and international partner companies and financial institutions being leaders in their respective industries: global logistics, food production and trade, investment. etc.